I paint my way through all techniques and all themes which interest me - sometimes representationally, sometimes abstractly, but I don't have to let my work be determined by popular taste.
My representational work is "intellectual", because I am concerned with problematic subjects, which those concerned can only articulate or make public with difficulty themselves. I consider striking images to be appropriate. Posters should appeal, touch, irritate and animate. My art is never intended to be just pretty.
My abstract work is a welcome contrast to this - lavishly designed surfaces which have something special to offer the eye of the beholder, who can embark on a voyage of discovery, according to the maxim “It is, what it is”.
The large-format selection shown here encompasses many groups of work and years. The images belong to various series of pictures,
Please click on the painting
Representational Painting
Critical Painting
Do you speak German?
Naked Heads
Abstract Painting
Nude Painting
Whimsical Painting
Art for nursury
Sign of the zodiac